WGS Charter

Websters Golf Society (WGS)

(Patron: Mick Webster)


  1. Objective of the Society:

The aim of the WGS is to play golf with friends, to have fun and enjoy a game of golf at different courses within the local area.

The society will be run as informally as possible, but at the same time should minimise any financial risk to individuals or the society.

The season for the WGS will be from the 1st January to the 31st December of each year. Golf day competitions will usually be individual Stapleford format, but may be changed to a Texas Scramble Competition by the Society Captain during the year (this will be indicated of the sign up sheet).

  1. Organisation:         

Society President     -           Jim Blyth.

Society Treasurer     -           Phil Lawson

Handicap Member   -            Tony Mayers.

Society Captain        -           Kevin Moore(2019)

Vice Captain             -           t.b.a.

Events Member        -           Dave Vickery

Website Manager     -           Tony Mayers.

Committee members may serve continually (except the Captain and Vice Captain), but will be reviewed annually at the AGM. Committee meetings will be held on an ‘as required basis’, and any member may attend to observe them.

  1. Membership:

Membership is open to all golfers (male and female) who live or holiday in the Gran Alacant area and their guests. There will be a record of all members held on the website, but personal details (ie phone numbers etc) will be held centrally by the Society Treasurer and safe guarded.

  1. Subscriptions:

The annual subscription fee (1st January to 31st December) is 20 Euros which covers the general running of the golf society. Non members who wish to play on society days will be required to pay 10 Euros to cover admin costs, but can only take part in the nearest the pin competitions. The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the account on behalf of the Society, The financial records will be audited annually by the committee and reviewed at the AGM.

  1. Handicaps:

The WGS will issue a member a Society handicap ( new members after 3 cards have been returned) and will be maintained by the Handicap member after each golf day. The system to be used will be agreed at the AGM.

11 players or over (after each golf day):

1st place: - 2.0           2nd place: - 1.0          3rd place: - 0.5           Over 38 pts -1.0

All other players on the day will receive + 0.5 up to a maximum of 28 for men and 36 for women.

10 players or less (after each golf day):

1st place: - 1.0           2nd place: - 0.5          3rd place:  0.0            Over 38 pts -1.0

All other players on the day will receive + 0.3 up to a maximum of 28 for men and 36 for women.

Members who have an official Club Handicap which is less than their society handicap, must declare it before playing in competitions.

  1. Rules of golf:

All WGS members will abide by the Royal and Ancient (R&A) Rules of Golf and any additional local rules of the golf courses played. Members are reminded to respect the golf course's dress code when playing for the Society.

  1. Website:

The Website Member will oversee the running of the Websters Golf Society website at golfing0.webnode.com, where the latest Events, Handicaps and other useful information can be found.


Signed:                                                                      Dated: